Important Facts to Know About HPV


There are many different types of the HPV Virus , some that don’t have symptoms at all. Here, we’ve listed some of the most important facts to know about HPV, including symptoms, the different types, how it can be treated and how to give yourself the best chances of not contracting HPV or at least ensuring early detection.

  • What is HPV?- HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus and is most commonly known for causing warts. There is almost 200 known types of HPV and most of these cause no symptoms which is why some women don’t always know they have the type of HPV that can lead to cervical cancer. Hence the importance of having regular doctors check ups and pap smears at regular intervals.

How is the HPV virus transmitted?- Certain types of the HPV Virus (approximately 30-40 types) are transmitted through sexual activity and can cause genital warts. Other types of HPV transmitted in this way can transfer other types of HPV which can cause cervical cancer.

Not all HPV Virus’s are transmitted in this way. There are other types of HPV Viruses that infect the mucous membranes and the skin which can cause warts and are not transmitted through sexual intercourse but can be contracted by simple skin on skin contact or even in a public swimming pools or showers.

  • How to identify a HPV Infection- There are a few obvious signs for some of the types of HPV Viruses, however a doctor should always be consulted before seeking treatment. There are three most commonly seen types of HPV. Here is how to identify each one:

Genital warts- These warts appear usually in clusters and can be in one specific area or spread over a large part of the genitals. They are highly contagious and can only be transferred through skin to skin contact. To prevent transference, condoms should be worn during intercourse until a doctor has been consulted.

Hand warts-These are very common and are often seen in children. They often have a cauliflower appearance and are benign and are not dangerous, having no chance of becoming cancerous or causing other health problems.

Plantar warts- These are common on the toes and soles of the feet. These are also harmless however they can cause pain while walking and are highly contagious. They can often be contracted in public swimming pools and showers.

  • How can HPV Infections be treated? Depending on the type of HPV Virus one has, there are a number of treatments. For some of the common strains of the virus that cause symptoms of visible external warts. It is however important to see a physician to get a correct diagnosis as different types of HPV may require different treatments.

It is good to have some basic knowledge about the symptoms, strains and treatments for HPV. I hope we’ve given you some insight and general knowledge about HPV that is both helpful and useful.