The Problem With HPV

HPV is one of those worrying, “don’t really want to think about it” conditions, and it’s very common. There’s even a vaccine for HPV, but media coverage is limited, and public awareness of ways of dealing with HPV is low.

Most HPV types will not lead to any major health complications. Many don’t even cause warts. However, 70% of all cervical cancer cases are caused by types of genital HPV which does not show itself in genital warts or any outer symptoms, and can only be detected by a regular Pap smear.

To give you an idea of the scale of the problem…

HPV related cervical cancer kills about 253,000 women every year. The sooner the condition is detected, the better. Being aware of the issues and how to manage them is the first step to control,

cure and prevention.

Important: The fact that the warts aren’t usually related to serious medical conditions doesn’t alter the fact that the warts are potential problems themselves. They can form lesions, and they can be uncomfortable and embarrassing issues. HPV warts should be placed under medical scrutiny, treated and removed ASAP, to prevent development of further problems.

Why HPV?

HPV isn’t a hot topic disease. You don’t see people wearing ribbons or doing walkathons to find a cure (though there is a vaccine available), and it simply doesn’t get the coverage it deserves.

HPV is largely benign in comparison to say, HIV. Most HPV types, in fact, will not lead to any sort of major health complications. Many don’t even cause warts. However, 70% of all cervical cancer cases are caused by genital HPV which does not show itself in genital warts or any outer symptoms, and which can only be detected by a regular Pap smear.

On a yearly, worldwide basis, breast cancer kills 500,000 women. HPV related cervical cancer kills about 253,000 women every year, and is no less deserving of vigilance and awareness.

Important Facts to Know About HPV

There are many different types of the HPV Virus , some that don’t have symptoms at all. Here, we’ve listed some of the most important facts to know about HPV, including symptoms, the different types, how it can be treated and how to give yourself the best chances of not contracting HPV or at least ensuring early detection.

  • What is HPV?- HPV stands for Human Papillomavirus and is most commonly known for causing warts. There is almost 200 known types of HPV and most of these cause no symptoms which is why some women don’t always know they have the type of HPV that can lead to cervical cancer. Hence the importance of having regular doctors check ups and pap smears at regular intervals.
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How to Treat Genital Warts

Treating genital warts doesn’t have to be an uncomfortable subject that’s hard to tackle. Here, we’ve listed some tips while treating yourself for genital warts and some advice on the type of HPV Treatment you may find effective.

Treating the warts

There are heaps of home remedies for warts, some of which may be effective. It is recommended however that you do use medical treatment for genital warts to ensure they not only clear up but there is not a chance for them to reoccur in the near future as they were not initially treated correctly.

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